Friday, November 4, 2011

I Love Food

What can I say?  I'm a foodie aka a person that loves food.  So what's a foodie to do when you wake up to the reality that your love affair with food is not only widening your backside but quite possibly shortening your life span?

Well you eat go on eating all of your favorite foods of course and then develop a complex about it afterwards.  Luckily,  the newly developed complex lasts all of 10 minutes so no need to have the head doctor on speed dial for this one.  Save her for the complex you develop when you can't find anything that fits!

All kidding aside, I am on a crusade to find a diet that works for me. I shouldn't even use the word diet.  That word should be the banned and stricken from the English vocabulary.   That should be the other four letter word that we warn children about.  But I digress.  Warning, I have a way of going off on a tangent but I don't usually stray too far.  I was saying that I'm on a crusade, and I am, I really am serious about eating right, getting healthy, not starving myself this time.  This time you can hold me accountable, this time you can make sure I don't forget about this by the end of the day.

Am I even Samoan? Ioe, o a'u o le Samoa.  That means Yes, I am Samoan.

I know all about the stereotypes out there about big Samoans so don't go even there.  Yes, a lot of Samoans do tend to be on the big side but not all.  There are small Samoans believe or not. 
I'd say that right about now as a woman in her late 40s I'm probably somewhere in the middle.  Not skinny  but not big either.  Of course all of this is relative so you'll just have to take my word for it until I'm comfortable enough to post pictures.

You're welcome to join me on this journey of discovery if you like.  Along the way, I'll introduce you to traditional Samoan foods and some not so traditional ones that we love anyway.
So here goes nothing...

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